Seth Batbileg (Appointed or Placed/Strongly Gifted)

John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

Birthed in our Hearts June of 2007

The Lord revealed your sweet face
October 20th, 2008 at 2:28pm
Met you for the first time April 10th 2009
You are Officially Ours April 20th, 2009
We are HOME!!! April 24th, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One Week One day and Waiting...

  Today brought some cooler weather and growing anxiety about when we get to bring Seth home.  We were allowed to bring him to the Hotel with us and show him the room he will sleep in, some of his clothes and toys.  Seth and Maiah put a big floor puzzle together.  Maiah did much better with Seth being around and they sat together and ate dinner tonight.  We will have no concerns with the food he will eat; that boy has DEVOURED everything we have put in front of him.
  As for his adjustment to us, it is truly seamless.  He lets me take him to the restroom and help him, he talks to me in Mongolian like we were old buds and I have any clue as to what he is saying.  I finally have started responding to him in English and about 50% of the time I get the intended response. When we had to go back to the orphanage, he went upstairs with me, grabbed his shoes and jacket and was ready to go.  The real test will be when we take him and he does not return to the orphanage.
  As for Stacy, myself and Maiah we did some shopping in the discount market that was kind of....ahhh....Black. We found some nice things cheap and cut it short because it was cold. Speaking of colds I think I have the Avian Bird Flu, or at least some foreign thing is trying to nest in my sinus cavity.  We hope and pray to get our approval tomorrow and bring our son home.
Signed DEREK (because Stacy refuses to be associated with any of my shenanigans)


Unknown said...

Stac not participate in your antics ?? What happenedto Two Become One ?? Sounds like things are going well during this wait----which seems like an eternity compared to the pst 2 years I am sure, since you guys are there ! Praying for your health !

Love you all lots !!


Madeleine Vrona said...

Those of us who know and love Derek know that what would life be without Derek and his shenanigans! :)

Spoken like a Mom,;)

Anonymous said...

Hi kids, I am on my computer at my house, thanks to Mike F.He is a computer whiz, hopefully it will last, I'm not too sure about all the things I want to get done on this piece of equipment, HELP, DEREK...........Now, about all you guys, we've been praying for our little Seth, but he seems to be taking things pretty well with being with you guys, hope the same is true on the day that he leaves his home. Derek, praying that the bird that flew up your nose goes away real fast, been there, its not fun. Stacy....I hope that you have been sleeping, I did not at your house last night, I am used to my bed & pillow, offerings being uncomfortable and cranky up to God so that all goes well for you in the last final days, Can't wait til you all come home and my new grandson & my old grand=daughter, ha ha......Take care and God Bless & watch over you all.

Mickey Freedomfighter said...

I am praying for health and easy transitions. Not to mention, that the authorities get with it and make this thing official. Hang in there Petrins. All our love,
The Worthings

Mom to 5 bugs said...

Good to hear that you got to bring Seth back to the hotel and that he seemed to adjust ok. At least it won't be totally new to him when you finally get to bring him there with you for good. Praying, praying, praying for you (as you did for us). We KNOW how hard it is to be "stuck" in Mongolia. Thankfully, it WILL end and God is still in control even in Mongolian govt bureacracy! (:

Svetlana said...

I'm pretty certain it's the Russian bird flu. The Destroy PHARMACYYYPXX can give you very big shot with very big needle to make you talk. Oh wait that's a nightmare I had last night, nevermind.

BTW Seth is a total cutie. Even cuter in person if that's possible. Today we will picket the government on horseback if we get no movement lol