Seth Batbileg (Appointed or Placed/Strongly Gifted)

John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

Birthed in our Hearts June of 2007

The Lord revealed your sweet face
October 20th, 2008 at 2:28pm
Met you for the first time April 10th 2009
You are Officially Ours April 20th, 2009
We are HOME!!! April 24th, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Another great day in Mongolia!!

Although we did not get to see Seth today, we did manage to have a great day:) We were supposed to go out to the countryside today to ride horses and maybe a camel too but we chose to wait hoping that Seth would be able to come with us soon!! We really want him to see the things that he has never had a chance to see that make up who he is and the beautiful land he is from. Our Mongolian social worker/guide promised that we have plenty of time to do this once the official paperwork is signed.

We ended up doing much needed laundry at a friends apartment this morning, we are so thankful to her as it is actually quite expensive here at the hotel and with 3 of us and lots of dirt roads and walking, we have racked up 3 small loads in 5 days!! There are no dryers so our clothes are hanging and laying all over her apartment...that is a friend. We appreciate you Penny!!

We then went back to the Children's Place orphanage for lunch and the afternoon. A YWAM team from HI is here in Mongolia and yes Lori, they did study with Gabrielle for a week. They are here from the Honolulu base. It is a small world after all!! They gave some great testimonies and did a Easter skit. Maiah spent the entire afternoon playing with 2 friends that she reunited with on Thursday. She had a great time....we took her and the girls up to the playground to play and then for ice cream. This was enjoyed by all. Maiah speaks in English to them and they answer in Mongolian and go off on their way in complete agreement, they converse back and forth this way the whole time. It is truly amazing to listen and watch them interacting. I think Derek is getting worried that I am falling in love with these girls.....I told him it is too late. Its that mothers heart thing, I don't know how to turn it off:) I know all the Moms understand!!

We left in time for a late afternoon Mongolian Easter Service. The young children sang songs and did a skit, the college students did a skit as well. Afterwards, everyone shared a meal together. It was a great service and we felt very welcome by our Mongolian brothers and sisters. Several ladies that worked at Maiah's orphanage attended this service and so Maiah was just loved on some more today. She just says "Mommy, I know they love and hug me because they took care of me when I was a baby". She is so right as they really do love her!!

Well, we are back at our hotel anxiously waiting for tomorrow. We will at the very least visit with Seth again at the orphanage but are hopeful to take him out for a bit. Pray for favor with the orphanage director as it is really up to her. We will put some new pics from the day in the pictures section shortly...

Easter Blessings from Mongolia,


Madeleine Vrona said...

So exactly how many grandchildren might I still be getting from you two? :)The more the merrier!

Lova ya tons,

Doug and Steph said...

Yes, just exactly how many more grandchildren is Mad going to have??? :) We are loving every minute of your journey and every picture just brings tears!!! How amazing that a child who has never had a father knows exactly what a Father is supposed to be - his defender!!! And stacy, that one pic of you surrounded by all of the children just made me cry - I know you were in heaven!!! Love you guys!!! Steph