Seth Batbileg (Appointed or Placed/Strongly Gifted)

John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

Birthed in our Hearts June of 2007

The Lord revealed your sweet face
October 20th, 2008 at 2:28pm
Met you for the first time April 10th 2009
You are Officially Ours April 20th, 2009
We are HOME!!! April 24th, 2009

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Heart to Heart....Merry Christmas!!!

In an orphanage on the other side of the world, you celebrated Christmas with the only family you have ever really known. Today, we want you to know that there is another family that loves you and can't wait until you are HOME!!! Know that your forever family, who loves and adores you, missed you this Christmas morning. As we celebrated the birth of Christ today, we cannot help but to rejoice for we know the plans and purposes He has for you. Your new bicycle sits still by the tree and your presents remain wrapped....yet with much joy and anticipation of your arrival. Before we know it and in the Lord's perfect timing, you will be in our arms forever: speaking English,zipping up and down the street on your new bicycle, bringing mommy bugs and worms, swimming with your brother and sisters and getting into typical little boy mischief:) We can't wait to see you smile, hear you laugh, tickle your belly, mend your bumps and bruises and read you good night stories topped with sweet kisses. Across the miles and from our hearts to yours, Merry Christmas, Seth Batbileg Petrin, we can't wait to bring you home, son!!

Your Forever Family
Daddy,Mommy, Nathan, Kaytlin and Maiah


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Decembe 5th, 2008 Happy Birthday Seth!!!

Well, we did not get the best news for Seth's birthday as the government is done working for 2008 which means another delay in getting our son home. One thing we do know is that this will be the last birthday he celebrates without his family. Specifically, we need prayers for Seth's health as Mongolia has brutal winters and his preparation for leaving the orphanage. Most would think this is an easy transition but he is already 6 years old and had probably come to the conclusion that the orphanage is where he would spend the rest of his young life. To him, he is warm and safe and gets a few meals a day. Little does he realize the plan that God has for him. Also, pray for the orphanage director to release a letter that is needed to complete Seths release from the orphanage. This letter has really held things up. Please continue to lift us up as waiting can be weary on one's emotions and we have 3 children anxiously waiting for their brother to come home. We love you all and thank you for your love and support. Hopefully, the next update will be from the airport as we are leaving.....yipee!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Coffee for Seth!!

Today, Derek and I were reading and talking about orphans and how much money we still had to raise in order to complete Seth's adoption. $10,000 may seem like a lot but not in comparison to the $66,000 we have been blessed with for both Maiah and Seth's adoptions. So, we were talking about ideas and looking at some statistics and we realized how much money is spent on coffee daily in the US. Here are some mind boggling stats....

Today, 38,493 more children will become ORPHANS.....
30,000 children under age 5 will die of STARVATION....
200 million children are living on the STREETS....
Every 2 seconds another child will age out of an orphanage with NO FAMILY
Americans will spend 5.4 million dollars on chewing gum and 50 million dollars on COFFEE
We spend 50 million dollars a day on coffee. I began to wonder if we could get 2000 people/friends/family to pick a day and sacrifice their Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts/Wawa/or maybe your coffee is really a coke or two:) Anyway, we would have nearly 10,000$. So would you consider giving up a coffee/drink (3-5$)to help us complete our adoption. Adoption is an amazing journey/process and we would love for you to be part of it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 20th 2:28 pm

Well, The long wait is over and this is the day our family is again changed forever. We are no longer a family of 5 but 6!!! We are proud and anxious to announce that it is a BOY!!!!! His name is Batbileg (means strongly gifted) and he is 5 years old, living in a Kindergarten Orphanage in Mongolia. He is not from the same orphanage as our daughter, Maiah, but from the government orphanage just a few minutes away. We have been busy reading over 5 years of his history and learning all about his likes and dislikes, his strengths and weaknesses, and from what it sounds like a very strong personality. Medically, he had a rough start with pressure on his brain and Ricketts which he was treated for and is now showing no signs of. Praise God!! We have lots to do: more paperwork, room preparations, shopping for boy stuff as the only thing we have left from Nathan is one box filled with Match Box cars. If anyone has size 4-5 boy clothes they are getting ready to pass on....I am interested:) It sounds like he really enjoys cars, truck and playing soccer. I don't think Maiah's baby dolls and Barbies are going to work!!! God's timing is interesting and amazing at the same time. We just trust His timing and know all the details will come together in a timely fashion including our travel. With much love and thanks for your continued prayers, love and support..... we will keep you all posted.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008

And so we wait........and wait.....and wait........

Sorry for the long stretch between posts as I think in my heart , i just wanted to post a little face. Yes, I think you find the words faith and patience under the word
adoption in the dictionary. We know that God told us to do this again and so
we know what the ending will be.....a sweet child being added to our family.
However, we just dont know when that ending will come. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we wait. It is never easy.....but we know sometimes God calls us to the raod less traveled and in this case, it is Mongolia. We are looking forward to the day that we get to post the next little Petrin's sweet face and rejoice with all of you. Looking ahead to the celebration:)