Seth Batbileg (Appointed or Placed/Strongly Gifted)

John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

Birthed in our Hearts June of 2007

The Lord revealed your sweet face
October 20th, 2008 at 2:28pm
Met you for the first time April 10th 2009
You are Officially Ours April 20th, 2009
We are HOME!!! April 24th, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What, No Tooth Fairy in Mongolia??

Well, Seth has had a loose tooth since we met him in Mongolia and last night, he finally just yanked it out.....he went running in the other direction toward the bathroom with Maiah and I chasing behind. While I was attempting to rinse out his blood filled mouth, Maiah was just devastated as he was throwing the tooth in the trash can. Maiah picked it out, wrapped it in tissue for him and put it in the pocket of the tooth pillow that we have had since Nathan started losing teeth. Ever since she found out what the pillow was for, Maiah has been waiting to use this pillow, no loose teeth yet but she cant wait until they start falling out. How quickly they become Americanized!! Anyway, she was very cute trying to explain to Seth that he will have MONEY for his piggy bank when he wakes up but he can't throw the tooth away. He just looked at her like she was crazy for saving it. So, with the tooth pillow by his head and Maiah tucked in too....they wait with anticipation for the tooth fairy. 30 minutes goes by and Maiah comes walking out of the room, she says Seth is sleeping but I cant sleep.....right away my Mommy mode kicks in and says "Are you trying to see the tooth fairy"? She said "Yes" with a sweet smile on her face. But she had another concern....... she was also concerned about the kids in Mongolia and wanted to know why the tooth fairy does not go to Mongolia? Do all the kids in the orphanage just throw their teeth away? I quickly said that maybe she was not aware of where some of the children lived.....with so many kids, she may miss a few.....oh, to be a child again!!!

Anyway, 2 sweet faces emerged this morning with Maiah letting me know that the tooth fairy knows that Seth lives here in Virginia now. Seth placed his 4 quarters in his bank happily, much thanks to Maiah!!

Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

Mom to 5 bugs said...

LOVE the Tooth Fairy story!!!