Seth Batbileg (Appointed or Placed/Strongly Gifted)

John 14:18
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

Birthed in our Hearts June of 2007

The Lord revealed your sweet face
October 20th, 2008 at 2:28pm
Met you for the first time April 10th 2009
You are Officially Ours April 20th, 2009
We are HOME!!! April 24th, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A moment to post......

Well, I can certainly say that life is never dull being a Mommy of 4 now!! I have not had a chance to check email never mind update this blog. However, after a few emails asking if everything was ok, I figured a post was needed.

Everyday life is getting a bit easier as Seth learns more English and accepts his place in his family. We have certainly had our struggles/challenges but are overcoming them one at a time. Seth had an unfortunate incident at school as a little bully put him in a headlock and punched him in the head. We were all horrified by this incident and it has left Seth a bit traumatized. We connected with a man from our sister church that speaks Mongolian and we were able to talk with Seth about this and assure him that Mommy and Daddy were going to take care of it. My first thought was "We are supposed to be protecting him".....anyway, we knew exactly which student it was when the little boys eyes popped out of his head as Seth's daddy walked into the cafeteria. My husband is not a small guy:) All of students knew exactly what had happened and Seth pointed out the little boy. This little bully was dealt with accordingly. Yes, this is a fellow K5 student!! I was going to home school Seth for the next 4 weeks but after much prayer and talking with Seth, he wanted to go back to school as they have lots of fun end of the year activities going on. It would almost like punishing Seth. So, he is happily back in school but all of the teachers are really watching out for Seth now and were very apologetic, even asking for forgiveness for missing this. Needless to say, Seth will start at the Christian school with Nate, Kate and Maiah in the fall. We are confident that his English will be good enough for him to keep up by then. He is very smart and a quick learner.

Seth also had his first visit to the pediatrician and came away with a clean bill of health. No signs of Ricketts or any other health issues we thought we may have to deal with. Thank you Jesus!!

As things have been so busy, with appts, paperwork and school....we decided that some fun was in order. So, we all skipped school/work yesterday and went to Busch Gardens. To our surprise, Seth was willing to ride everything that moved. He even went on the Big Bad Wolf, an adult roller coaster that he and Maiah both just met the height requirement for. Fun was had by all and we are looking forward to some much needed rest on this long holiday weekend. Seth will enjoy riding his bike and swimming in the pool with his sisters and brother:)

A special thank you to our Meiming friends for the awesome meals we have had delivered over the last 2 weeks. They were yummy and very much a blessing to us in the midst of transition craziness!!!

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. I am posting some new pics in the photo section if you would like to take a peek at our growing boy!! They are under Seth at home.

Please keep Derek and all the service men and women in your prayers this Memorial Day weekend. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice for us and they are not to be forgotten.

God Bless,

1 comment:

Bertha said...

I am glad Seth's ok after the bully incident, children can be so cruel at all ages.
Happy and safe Memorial day for everyone,especially all veterans.